Portraiture & Facial Anatomy Online


Scott Eaton's Portraiture & Facial Anatomy online course



Get started immediately – REGISTER HERE

FULL ENROLLMENT (with Scott’s feedback)

SUMMER: no full-enrollment sessions
AUTUMN: October, 18, 2024 – REGISTER HERE


Portraiture & Facial Anatomy is an intensive six-week course designed to teach artists the critical foundations necessary to accurately depict the human face. The course demystifies the art of portraiture by breaking the face down into its fundamental elements of anatomy – the skull and its landmarks, the skeletal muscles of the head, structural fat pads, subcutaneous fat, visible tendons & ligaments, cartilage, and the muscles of expression and how they influence the forms of the face.

Once the anatomical structures of the face are covered, Scott shows how these are varied and combined to create a portrait of any age, weight, gender, or expression. By the end of the course artists will have a deep understanding of the large and small structures that make each face unique and will have the tools to construct the face no matter what their medium of creation.

Just a quick word to say thanks for putting this course together! I learned more in these six weeks than I did in the last 10 years!

Phil Tsang
Lead Artist, Konami

facial-anatomy-skull-tnclick for larger


The course covers all the essential facial anatomy an artist needs to understand and sucessfully create portraits in their chosen medium (drawing, painting, sculpture, animation, etc). Over the six weeks the lectures include the following topics:

  1. The Skull in-depth
  2. Skeletal Muscles of the Head
  3. Eyes in-depth
  4. Facial Fat
  5. Feature Construction
  6. Muscles of Expression
  7. Facial Action Coding System (FACS)
  8. Likeness
  9. Caricature
  10. Putting it all together


Practice is essential to internalizing the lessons presented in the course. Weekly assignments include two levels of difficulty, depending on how comfortable people are with drawing.

  • Level 1: These exercises will guide people through the construction of the face and features. These exercises teach and reinforce the principles of construction which can be used in any medium, but do not require skill in drawing
  • Level 2: The assignments build on the level 1 exercises and require more free-hand drawing for those comfortable or looking to improve their drawing.

Full enrollment students submit their weekly assignments to Scott for feedback and advice. Typical feedback involves draw-overs of the the student’s assignment, plus pointers for improvement. Full-enrollment students are also able (and encouraged) to submit personal projects for critique during the course.

facial expressions contoursanalyzing contour changes during expression. click for larger


Only an interest in improving your portraiture skills.

Portraiture and Facial Anatomy is the companion course to Scott’s Anatomy for Artists course, but assumes no knowledge of anatomy as a prerequisite.

wrath of the titans cyclops - facial anatomyScott’s work on Wrath of the Titans click for larger


“Portraiture training with Scott Eaton was priceless for me, especially as a character modeler. Facial Anatomy should be a prerequisite for professional artists. Scott managed to simplify and explain in words and images the most complex issue there is – the human face. His lessons are made for artists!”

Senior Charcter Artist

“This course was fantastic and Scott is great an engaging instructor who really knows his field and has a great skill at conveying that information. I now feel much more complete as an artist, after years of purely observational practice it’s great to have an understanding of how the face is actually structured.”

Concept Artist
Rocksteady Studios

“Scott’s Portraiture & Facial Anatomy course dramatically improved my drawing and sculpting in a way I never thought was possible. After the course I finally understand the structures and form of the eyes, the influence of the skull, and the importance of fat to the appearance and construction of the face. I haven’t been this inspired and motivated for years. Thanks Scott.”

Darion Leigh
Animator, Concept Artist, Art Director


DURATION: 6 weeks + unlimited extended access
Standard Enrollment – $349
Full Enrollment – $795 (spaces limited)


More on enrollment options here. If you have questions about the course, please feel free to contact Scott here.