Feb 192010

Here are a few images of the sculpture, shown in clay above, which I unveiled during my lecture at the Tate Modern on “Bit to Atoms – The Process and Evolution of Digital Sculpture“. During the lecture I talked about the process of making the piece – first creating a digital maquette in Zbrush to establish the balance, weight, and proportions of the figure, and then using that digital data as a guide for constructing the full-sized figure sculpture in clay.

Dec 212008

clay maquette for a ballerina sculpture

Here is a comp of a small maquette I put together as a test for an upcoming project. It is loosely inspired by the ballerina sketch in the Drawings section. I am not  happy with the concept just yet, but time permitting, you may see a full version of this piece executed sometime in the new year. Happy Holidays.

Mar 282008

I recently added a gallery showing a few images from the process of casting the Bits to Atoms sculpture in bonded marble. Click the image to go to the gallery. Also check out the timelapse movie at the end of this post to see the construction of the clay model.

Nov 132007

Phil is finally out of kiln and photographed in the studio with some decent lighting.